Monday, August 17, 2015

No honey harvest from Olea's hive... yet

A few days ago I looked into Olea's top bar hive hoping to get some more honey.  Most of the two gallons we got from the other hives is going into wedding favors.  I started from the end away from the entrance.  My books say any honey after bar 12 can be harvested, but there was little or no ripe honey.  I did see a few brood cells on bar 14.  I was surprised to see brood extending so far into the box.  Then I saw the queen on bar 13.  I wondered if all the honey was in the front of the box and just how many bars had brood.  I took out the first two bars.  Bar 1 was only about half-length.  Both 1 and 2 had capped honey and I saw some brood on one side of 3 but did not take it out.  So the area of brood has not yet contracted.  It is possible that in the fall there will be some honey to harvest, but I am not counting on it.
I took a look into the nuc and it is stable.  There still is not comb drawn on two of the frames.
I put Apivar strips into hives #1,2 & 3.  They will stay in for 6-8 weeks.  I am investigating how to use the Apivar in the top bar.  Since there is a heavy mite infestation in the other hives, I am assuming that the top bar should be treated as well.
Sorry, no photos today.

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