Sunday, March 6, 2016

After the fall

There was a break in the storms today with the temperature up to 60, so I took advantage and looked into #1.  We have all been curious about how it fared from its misadventure 9 days ago.  Well....
it is doing great!
The top of the top brood box
 The colony is very strong as you can see above by the number of bees covering the tops of the frames.
Compare my hive to this photo of a strong hive taken from The Guildford Dragon News' Beekeeper's Notes.
There was nectar some capped honey and even brood in the super.
A frame from the super of #1
There was brood in both brood boxes and I saw eggs in the top brood box.  The colony is expanding still.  I added a second super.
I checked how #2 was getting on.  The super felt light and the colony was not nearly as strong as #1.
The top of the top box of #2
Needless to say, I did not add a second super.  I have been considering giving #2 a boost by adding a frame or two of brood from the nuc.  Perhaps I should have done that today.  If I decide to do so, I will need to was a few days for this next expected series of storms to blow by.
#3 is somewhere between 1 and 2 in strength.  There is unripe honey in the super and a very small amount of brood.  I added a second super and checker-boarded two frames with honey into it from the lower super.
About a week ago I read an article about solitary bees.  There was an un-splittable log (even by Seth) lying in the yard.  On impulse, I got out the drill and made a solitary bee motel 6.

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