Saturday, March 26, 2016

Mites galore

I did a 6-day sticky board count.  This is what I saw:
The square is 2 inch/side.  Since you all have been following this blog, you know that the brownish ovals are mites.  I did not bother to count the mites; there were hundreds on this board.  I treat if there are more than 4 per day I knew treatment was needed and soon.  I have been seeing some bees with deformed wings, also not a good sign.
It is a good thing I had recently ordered more MAQs.  I put the formic acid in #1 & 3 yesterday.  I only had two spacers.  I made a third yesterday and put the MAQ in #2 today.  I was pleasantly surprised by the new packaging of the strips which made them much easier to handle and place.
The raspberries have bloomed but the honey bees have seemingly not yet found them, only the bumble bees. 
Soon I will take the bees from the nuc and put them in Olea's hive.
The entrance of the nuc

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