Sunday, March 20, 2016

Into #3 with Mihir

Karly and Mihir were here for a couple of days and I persuaded Mihir to go into the hives with me.  Karly stayed way back and took pictures.

We did a thorough inspection of #3 and checked #1 & 2 for honey.
The top super of #3 was light.  There was nectar in the bottom super.  There was also some brood and eggs in the super.  There was lots of brood in the top brood box and some in the bottom box.  Two frames were all drone brood.  I again considered culling them but, out of laziness, just left them alone.
Hive #1 continues to look the strongest.  I am a bit worried about #2.  Probably at the next warm spell (it is raining today) I will shake the bees of the nuc into Olea's hive and add the frames of brood to #2.
I put sticky boards in yesterday and may treat all hives with MAQ if the mite count is up.  I just purchased three more super boxes with frames and foundation as I expect (hope for) a strong honey flow, what with all this rain.
I cleaned out the trays from under the screen bottoms a few days ago.
This is a close up of the debris.  I took it because I was curious about the white curvy things.  My sources think they are bit of pupae that have been removed for hygienic purposes.  Either the pupae were infested with mites or ill in some other way.  In the debris you can see lots of chewed off caps of brood cells (tan bowl-shapes) some wax (clear plates), some pollen balls and, unfortunately, a few mites.  There are even a couple of small beetles that almost always are in the trays.  I do not know what they are but I am sure they are not small hive beetles.

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