Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Apiguard replaced

I crossed my new bridge and went into the hive 2 days ago to replace the Apiguard tray. Much to my surprise, there was no comb built in the empty super. The bees had built some cells below the thymol tray, sticking it onto the top bars. There was only a bit of dried out gel left. I scraped out the remains out placed it on the removed tray cover to leave in the hive and put a new tray in. Today there was a piece of the dried gel outside of the hive along with the usual few corpses- what good housekeepers those bees are! I took a look at the cardboard that is under the screen bottom- lots of dead mites and debris. I didn't count.
On the lavender today, I saw two of my marked bees again.

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