Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Maybe they like it better this way

I couldn't go into the hive Monday because of the bad weather, but today was sunny and warm. I took out the empty box and removed the Apiguard tray. There was still some thymol left from the first tray and some from the new one. It was pretty dry. I smeared a few small pieces on the top of some frames of the brood brood box and put the two medium supers and the Vivaldi box back on. I took the sheet of cardboard out of the bottom. Lots of dead mites in the debris. Of course, it was about four weeks of droppings. So now the hive is back in its previous configuration.
I did take a peek into the brood box. Saw my queen and there was lots of brood. One frame had empty cells in the central part. I'm thinking that bees hatched recently from there and new eggs have not yet been laid.
Sorry, no pictures today.

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