Tuesday, February 21, 2012

OMG- mites!!!

Today I wanted to clean out the beetle trap (the tray under the screen bottom). I have a new one for my next hive and I stuck that unused one in while I cleaned the old one. A couple of hours later I switched them. I took a look in the tray just to see how much debris had fallen in that short time. On the grid on top there were several wax flakes and some pollen. I took a look in the tray, and...MITES! 5 mites!! In just a couple of hours!!!
Imagine by shock and dismay. What to do? Should I treat now with either of the treatments I have (thymol or formic acid)? I had meant to put the drone frames in, but hadn't yet because it's still winter. But as we all know, it's pretty spring-like now, and I did see a couple of drones two weeks ago. I will put the frame in this week-end. (Laura is coming down and wants to go into the hive, so I'll wait until then.) I emailed Jeremy Rose and asked him about treating. Now for sure I will re-queen with one of his queens which are mite resistant.

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