Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ants in the nuc

I actually have two things to report.
Yesterday when we were leaving for marimba, Paul was in his driveway.  He tole me there were more bees in his yard.  Sure enough, in the bush next to the one that had the previous swarm there was another.
I pondered the possibilities: collect this swarm in another nuc; call another beekeeper to collect it; just let it alone.  Paul and I talked it over a bit and decided to let it alone.  It just may go to my bait box.  I added a couple more drops of lemon grass oil to encourage them.  If it does not go to my box, then it will find a home somewhere else and we will have one more feral hive.
This morning I took a look at my nuc and there was a trail of ants going into it.  I had figured they would get there eventually, but they are quicker than I imagined.  (Isn't nature amazing!)  I had to protect them somehow.  There are two may posts to the table and lavender plants touch it so tangle foot would be impracticable.  I had to get the nuc off the table top somehow.  I looked around and did this.

Water in the dish making a moat
If you look closely at the bottom picture you can see and ant or two trying to find a way up. 
The returning bees were confused for only a few seconds, quickly finding their way into the hive.

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