Monday, May 11, 2015

Swarm escapes!

The fava beans cleaned up
I was cleaning up the fava bean bed, listening to my recorded book when I noticed a humming.  Initially I did not think much of it, but it seemed to be getting louder.  I turned around and there was a cloud of bees in the yard.  One of the hives had just swarmed!  I followed the cloud as it flew towards the back gate, then over the shed and around the plum tree.  It was fairly high up.  I ran out the back gate and watched the swarm head towards the redwoods.  I never saw exactly where it settled, but Maidi, Karly and I could see bees flying around near the top of the redwood tree, at least 80 feet up.  There will be no capturing that swarm.
The cluster is up somewhere up there
Which hive swarmed?  I looked in Olea's and it is still full.  I doubt #1 swarmed because it is so young having just started this spring.  So I figure #2 or 3.  I will be able to tell by going in the hive but I am reluctant to do so.  Only three days ago I inspected #3 and switched the drone frame in #2.  I will just have to wait, although knowing which one is only academic.
Maybe we can guess by doorway activity.
 The left photo is #3.  The right is #2.

Naturally I would like to capture the swarm, although I have no idea what I would do with it.  So I put a used nuc up for a bait hive.  It has a couple of frames with partially drawn comb in it and I will put some lemongrass oil in it and at the entrance.  It is on top of the potting shed frame.
Waiting for the swarm
Addendum, May 12:  I awoke early and thought about the bait box.  It came to me that the scout bees look for a certain size space and that they might not find a box filled with frames attractive.  I immediately got up and went to the box where I took out all but the foundationless frame.  I left the frame because it has lots of old wax and propolis on it.

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