Sunday, May 24, 2015

It was Olea's hive that swarmed

Maidi suspected it was Olea's and her suspicions were confirmed.
I looked in through the window this morning.  There were three combs not covered by bees and, more to the point, I saw at least 4 capped queen cells.  There must be more away from the window.  I tried to photograph through the window.  There is a lot of reflection and the focus is inaccurate, but here they are.
Three uncovered combs at the back of the hive
So, I had taken an old queen from #3 and put it into Olea's.  She has now left and is currently in the bush in Paul's yard and a new queen will emerge in a few days.  The queen in #1 is new this year, coming from an egg from the queen in #2.  The current queen in #2 is presumably new this year, emerging from one of the previously described supersedure cells.  I have inadvertently re-queened the entire apiary!

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